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Do's and Dont's

Here's a list of Do's and Dont's for your nails.  You should always follow an at-home maintenance program.  This should include daily use of cuticle oil.  Follow these tips and you will keep nice looking nails in between your appointments.
If you are unsure on how to care for your nails between appointments, please feel free to ask and you will be instructed.



v   DO Treat your nails as precious gems, not as tools

v   DO Maintain your nails with regularly scheduled appointments.  Do not go more than 2-3 weeks in between appointments. Pre-book your appointments.

v   DO Use cuticle oil every day to help keep your nails hydrated.  Without daily use of cuticle oil, your nail may “curl” away from your enhancement.

v    DO Wear gloves when cleaning or gardening, therefore eliminating damage to your nails as well as dirt or bacteria getting trapped underneath your nails.

vDO  Remember that once you sit in my chair I “own” your nails so please be kind and return them in good condition every time! 



v   DO NOT Pick at your nails, especially if lifting.  Until you can get the nail fixed, you need to apply rubbing alcohol in the area every night after you are done with any "water" activities.  The alcohol will drwa out any moisture trapped between your nail and the enhancement product and help prevent bacteria from growing aka "greenies."

v   DO NOT Glue your nail if broken.  Glue can trap dirt or bacteria underneath causing “greenies.”  Glue is water-soluable, so it will break down and you may re-break the nail and cause more damage!

v  DO NOT Change your nail enamel more than once a week - polish remover is a harsh solvent and will dry out your cuticles, nails and may cause the acrylic to become brittle.

If you feel there should be an item added to this list, please Contact Me

(909) 559-5990